Lessor Information
Name:black line
Address:black line
City:black line CA black line
E-mail address:black line
Home phone:black line
Work phone:black line
Cell phone:black line
Lease Details
Number of traps: black line
Deposit @ $50/trap: $black line
Lease dates: black line to black line
Trap number(s): black line
  black line
  black line
  black line

It is the intention of Peninsula CatWorks that this trap be used exclusively to entrap homeless or feral felines for the purpose of spay/neuter or medical care. This trap is not to be used to trap felines for the purpose of euthanasia. It is not designed to be used as a cage or holding pen.

The lessor agrees that the use of the trap shall conform to the following specifications:

  1. That once baited and set, the trap will be inspected at least once every hour.
  2. That the trap will not be used for euthanasia except on the express advice of a veterinarian.
  3. That the trap will be placed in an area free of potentional hazards: sun, vehicles, machinery, strangers walking by, other animals (except the cat’s colony), etc.
  4. That upon exhibiting signs of shock or extreme stress, the trapped feline will receive immediate veterinarian medical care at the lessor’s expense.
  5. That any other species of animal trapped will be carefully and immediately released at the site of capture. (It is illegal to relocate wildlife such as skunks, raccoons, opossums.)
  6. That the trap will not be used for illegal or illicit purposes.
  7. That the trap will be used only by the lessor or other party specifically authorized by Peninsula CatWorks.
  8. That the trap will be returned in a whole, clean, and completely reusable condition within the time frame of this lease agreement.

Lessor understands and agrees that if any of the above specifications have not been fully met, all or a portion of lessor's deposit may be forfeited at Peninsula CatWorks’s sole discretion.

Lessor, lessor's heirs, assigns and successors in interest waive, renounce, relinquish, absolve and discharge Peninsula CatWorks of any and all liability for personal injury and/or property damage which results from the use of the traps leased under this agreeement.

I have read, understand and agree to all of the above terms of this lease agreement.

Lessor: Sign: black line Print Name: black line
Peninsula CatWorks: Sign: black line Print Name: black line
Date: black line

Note: Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) at www.peninsulacatworks.org for trapping guidelines.